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Message to Sonia Alioto

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Sonia Alioto - Italian lawyer in Novato CA

Sonia Alioto

Italian Legal Language Services
(866) 694-5500
(866) 694-5500

Practice Areas

About Sonia Alioto

Since 2007 Italian Legal Language Services has offered assistance to its private clients residing outside of Italy who seek assistance on Italian estate matters. The firm typically conveys title to real property by filing directly with the Italian Government Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle entrate).

Our expert staff will perform property title searches, provide official cadastral maps, clarify the rights of prospective heirs and/or those selling or buying property. In addition, we will also review real property sales contracts, bank accounts, divorce documents, and translate vital records prior to their submission to Italian Consulates.


Italy Licensed for 17 Years 5 Months Jun 2007 17 Years 5 Months Jun 2007


University of Camerino Masters Law


Primary Office Location

pin 8 Aaron Drive Novato CA 94949

pin (866) 694-5500


Social Media

LinkedIn page for Sonia Alioto - Italian attorney in Novato
Message Sonia Alioto
(866) 694-5500